Please consider a minimum gift of $50. Why $50? Every increment of $50 given to CHAT enables us to provide one more therapy session for a child on Medicaid. Help us make an exponential impact on children’s lives today.
- $50 provides one session of therapy for a child on Medicaid.
- $160 provides a month of weekly therapy for a child on Medicaid.
- $280 funds two speech-language evaluation, which open the doors to CHAT therapy.
- $600 sends a child on Medicaid to one of our life-changing summer programs.
- $1,200 buys two iPads for CHAT SLPs to use in therapy.
- $1,500 provides a year of 1:1 therapy for a child on Medicaid.
- $2,700 sponsor speech-language evaluation and report for a child in the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center.
- $5,000 sponsor communication red flag trainings for 15 nonprofits that work with at-risk youth.
- $7,500 sponsor a clinician to serve as an expert witness for a child in legal proceedings.
- $10,000 sponsor the development of neurodiversity-affirming supports and resources to educate and train caregivers and educators.
- $20,000 pays for 15 uninsured children to attend an intensive CHAT program (Literacy, Executive Functioning, Social Communication).
Amazon Wish List
Provide materials to help make therapy FUN and items that keep our clinic up and running!
The go-to place for those with
few—if any—other options.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
—Desmond Tutu
At CHAT, one of the only nonprofits dedicated to changing lives through speech and language therapy in the country and the only one committed to “communication justice”– our work to effect change for under-resourced and under-represented people whose communication disorders and differences contribute to their inequitable treatment, we know how important verbal communication is to the overall quality of one’s life. That’s why we’re dedicated to making sure that ALL individuals have access to the superior care we provide, particularly those with financial, language, geographic and other barriers to getting the care they need.
For people with speech or language disorders, early diagnosis and effective therapy can make the difference between success in school, in relationships, and ultimately in the work place. People with widely accepted insurance plans and deeper pockets can receive quality care from other providers in our area, but very few accept Medicaid. None provide the summer literacy and social communication programs that we do, free of charge to children who attend them. We also provide scholarships to families who are underinsured or unable to meet their out of pocket insurance costs for therapy.
In addition to our reduced cost and free services, we are constantly innovating to help underserved populations like incarcerated youth or survivors of domestic abuse. We have recently launched a transgender voice therapy practice, with the intention of serving the high population of transient trans teens and young adults in homeless shelters throughout our area. In order to do all of this, we need your help.
How does your support help?
Supporting CHAT enables us to include more children whose communications disorders and differences contribute to their inequitable treatment. Your donation allows us to:
- Meet our growing clinic demand so CHAT therapy remains accessible to all.
- Partner with Chicagoland nonprofits to bring life-changing programs to more underserved communities.
- Help children avoid the school-to-confinement pipeline by bringing our executive functioning program to at-risk youth and serving undiagnosed children in our juvenile justice system.
We hope that you not only believe in the powerful work we’re doing at CHAT, but that you’re willing to help financially support the children in our community who need your help. To donate, click here.
- For $1500, you can change a child’s life with a year of 1:1 therapy.
- Your $600 gift sends a child on Medicaid to one of our life-changing summer programs.
- $250 funds two speech-language evaluations, which open the doors to CHAT therapy.
- Your $120 gift provides a month of weekly therapy for a child on Medicaid.
Every dollar makes a difference.