
Madhvi Verma


Madhvi Verma has been a strategic people, product and technology leader for more than 20 years, with multi-faceted experience in digital product development, driving innovation and change, and influencing management in the corporate world. She is also a mindfulness facilitator and co-founder of NutriGuide, a wellness consultancy company with the mission of building a resilient society, one individual at a time.

She combines her corporate work  experience with mindfulness and a mind-body wellness approach to help employees and members of the community reach their truest potential in wellness and resilience.

Madhvi has an M.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northwestern, a Certificate in  Organizational Change Management from the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, a certification in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction from UMass Medical Center, and a certification in Workplace Mindfulness Facilitation through Mindful Leaders. In addition to her CHAT service, she sits on the Board of I-RADHA, a nonprofit that specializes in providing performing arts services.