
We're constantly growing as clinicians. This is where we share some of our latest insights!

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Let’s CHAT about Hyperlexia: Labeling and Describing

Many hyperlexic learners (HxLs) have incredible capacity for memory that a neurotypical person can only dream of having. Due to their memory and ...

Music & Language: Effectiveness of using Music in Speech Therapy

Music and language are both universal constructs that can be adapted and used in many ways. When we ...

Let’s CHAT About Hyperlexia: Social Narratives – Emotions and Feelings

Our last hyperlexia post introduced using social narratives to help prime our HxL for new experiences or expectations. We also touched briefly ...

If friendship is the heart of love, then this therapy story may melt your heart.

Best friends in so many ways, two of CHAT’s high school students came to speech together every week ...

Uplifting African American English (AAE)

CHAT uplifts African American English (AAE), a dialect shared by many Black communities in the United States. Complex and systematic, AAE not only reflects the intricacies of human language, but also ...

Let’s CHAT about Hyperlexia: Social Narratives

Social narratives, frequently known as “Social Stories,” are an extremely helpful tool when introducing a new scenario, elaborating on ...

Introduction to Neurodiversity

Please note that within this blog, CHAT will use identity-first language (i.e. Autistic person, rather than person with Autism), as many activists in ...

Childhood Apraxia of Speech – Evaluation

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a condition involving difficulty with planning and programming movements for speech. With ...

Let’s CHAT about Hyperlexia: Written Expectations

Expectations are behaviors or actions that are expected to occur, while unexpected behaviors or actions are those that ...

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